Friday, May 13, 2011

My First Makeup

As far back as I can remember, I've loved makeup!  My favorite coloring books had lots of pictures of girls (so I could color in some blue eyeshadow and red lipstick on them), I owned several tins of lip smakers (remember the gold tins with the sliding tops?), and I LOVED my Barbie head!  Loved, loved, LOVED my Barbie head!!!

So I was trying to take a trip down memory lane, to recall my very first cosmetic item.  I remember the Easter Bunny bringing me some crayon-like eyeshadows... or was it Santa.  I'm not sure, but I fondly remember a light lavender and a sky-blue crayon type eyeshadow stick.  I had no clue who made them or what they were actually called.

All I can say... it that the internet is an amazing place!  I went to Google and typed in "1980 crayon makeup" and a couple entries down, there they were!!!

Remco's Crayon Cosmetics!!!!  What a creative name LOL  I loved these things and after seeing the ad, I think I may have also had the red one and possibly the same rainbow sweater that really cool girl is
wearing :)

And so, my dear readers, I ask you... what was your first makeup item?

Peace, Love, and crayon shaped eyeshadow ~


1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I too had the Crayon makeup (I found a picture of myself at about age 8 with it. I got it as a Christmas present). I'm wondering how to find out how much that would have cost in the mid-1980s... any idea?
